Thursday 4 February 2010

Amor Vincit Turpitudinis

Dear past me,
you will be pleased to hear that in the midst of many unpleasant happenings and whilst lashing yourself to the wheel of your stricken ship you were momentarily distracted and delighted by the information that Mr. Neil Gaiman is marrying Miss Amanda Palmer! This lovely news warmed the cockles of your leathery little heart and caused you to cease self flagellating, which is quite tricky when one is lashed to a wheel.
Your only concern was that some sort of critical mass of cleverness and pretty might be reached resulting in a rift in the fabric of known space. You speculated on the spontaneous creation of a Gaiman-Palmer Bridge which would open into a dimension of small, glowing ideas of tyrannical insistence flitting about taking their clothes off, worshipping cats and singing the eisbar song in a voice that would melt the rivets out of a paddle steamer.
Then a lady phoned up asking if we had a red leather book she could put a lamp on top of, shortly followed by an amiable gentleman who looked around the shop and asked me if you'd read all these which point you thought it best just to say congratulations and get back to the whipping.
Best Wishes

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